Laravel問題從電子郵件驗證傳遞錯誤消息 (Laravel problem to pass error message from email verification)


Laravel問題從電子郵件驗證傳遞錯誤消息 (Laravel problem to pass error message from email verification)


我覆蓋了verify方法,現在激活成功後,用戶接收信息。但是當鏈接無效時得到 403 | 無效的簽名。


protected $redirectTo = '/login';

     * Create a new controller instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()
        $this‑>middleware('throttle:6,1')‑>only('verify', 'resend');

    public function verify(Request $request)

        $user = User::find($request‑>route('id'));

        if (!hash_equals((string) $request‑>route('hash'), sha1($user‑>getEmailForVerification()))) {
            throw new AuthorizationException;

        if ($user‑>markEmailAsVerified())
            event(new Verified($user));

        return redirect($this‑>redirectPath())‑>with('verified', true);

我嘗試了try catch,但它沒用

有人知道如何實現嗎?我正在使用 Laravel 8


方法 1:

you can just check if the signature is valid or not then redirect or add a payload.

if (!$request‑>hasValidSignature()) {
       // do stuff here (return view, redirect etc)

方法 2:

Maybe you could try changing the throw new AuthorizationException; inside the verify method to add your own logic.

(by Ridster32Mua RachmannProfessor)


  1. Laravel problem to pass error message from email verification (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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Laravel問題從電子郵件驗證傳遞錯誤消息 (Laravel problem to pass error message from email verification)
