抽象 ViewModel 在被繼承時是否被視為模型? (Is an abstract ViewModel considered a Model when it is inherited?)


抽象 ViewModel 在被繼承時是否被視為模型? (Is an abstract ViewModel considered a Model when it is inherited?)

If I have an abstract ViewModel (VM‑A), which is inherited by child ViewModels (VM‑B,C,D), is that ViewModel (VM‑A) considered a model of ViewModels?

Example: VM‑A is a "Shape" class contains x number of common properties, with abstract Calculate() method.

VM‑B is a "Circle" class, inheriting VM‑A, and the overrides Calculate to perform its own calculations using the common properties.

Is VM‑A considered a Model at that point?



方法 1:

No, it is considered a base ViewModel. The concept Model refers to either a domain model which represents the real state content (an object‑oriented approach), or the data access layer that represents that content (a data‑centric approach).

(by Bob.Andrii Startsev)


  1. Is an abstract ViewModel considered a Model when it is inherited? (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#terminology #mvvm #C#


抽象 ViewModel 在被繼承時是否被視為模型? (Is an abstract ViewModel considered a Model when it is inherited?)

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