InterlockedAdd HLSL 潛在優化 (InterlockedAdd HLSL potential optimization)


InterlockedAdd HLSL 潛在優化 (InterlockedAdd HLSL potential optimization)

我想知道是否有人知道 HLSL InterlockedAdd 是否會進行某種優化,特別是當它用於單個全局原子計數器時(所有線程的附加值是恆定的) 由大量線程。

我在網上找到的一些信息表明,原子添加會產生嚴重的爭用問題:‑pro‑tip‑optimized‑filtering‑warp‑aggregated‑ atomics/

當然,上面的文章是為 CUDA 寫的(也有點舊,可以追溯到 2014 年),而我對 HLSL InterlockedAdd 感興趣。為此,我寫了一個虛擬用於 Unity 的 HLSL 著色器(據我所知,通過 FXC 編譯為 d3d11),我在單個全局原子計數器上調用 InterlockedAdd,這樣所有著色片段的附加值始終相同。有問題的片段(在 http://shader‑ 中運行,編譯通過 FXC,優化 lvl 3,著色模型 5.0):

RWStructuredBuffer<int> counter : register(u1);
void PSMain()
    InterlockedAdd(counter[0], 1);
dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed
dcl_uav_structured u1, 4
atomic_iadd u1, l(0, 0, 0, 0), l(1)


RWStructuredBuffer<int> counter : register(u1);
void PSMain(float4 pixel_pos : SV_Position)
    InterlockedAdd(counter[0], int(pixel_pos.x));
dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed
dcl_uav_structured u1, 4
dcl_input_ps_siv linear noperspective v0.x, position
dcl_temps 1
ftoi r0.x, v0.x
atomic_iadd u1, l(0, 0, 0, 0), r0.x

我在 Unity 中實現了上述片段的等價物,並將它們用作我的片段著色器來渲染全屏四邊形(當然,沒有輸出語義,但這無關緊要)。我使用 Nsight Grphics 分析了生成的著色器。可以說兩次繪製調用之間的差異是巨大的,基於第二個片段(InterlockedAdd 與變量值)的片段著色器要慢得多。

我還使用 RenderDoc 進行了捕獲以檢查程序集,它們看起來與上面顯示的相同。彙編代碼中沒有任何內容表明存在如此巨大的差異。然而,差異是存在的。

所以我的問題是:在單個全局原子計數器上使用 HLSL InterlockedAdd 時是否進行了某種優化,使得添加的值是一個常數?GPU驅動程序是否有可能以某種方式重新排列代碼?


  • 參考解法

    方法 1:

    The pixel shader on the GPU runs pixels in simd groups, called wavefronts. If the code currently executing would not change based on which pixel is being rendered the code only has to be run once for the entire group. If it changes based on the pixel then each of the pixels will need to run unique code.

    In the first version, a 64 pixel wavefront would execute the code as a single simd InterlockedAdd<64>(counter[0], 1); or might even optimize it into InterlockedAdd(counter[0], 64); In the second example it turns into a series of serial, non‑simd Adds and becomes 64 times as expensive.

    This is an oversimplification, and there are other tricks the GPU uses to share computing resources. But a good general rule of thumb is to make as much code as possible sharable by every nearby pixel.

    (by haykoandriGeorge Davison)


    1. InterlockedAdd HLSL potential optimization (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#hlsl #direct3d11 #gpgpu #gpu


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