如何在不破壞容器邊界半徑的情況下創建與 Safari 兼容的過渡變換比例 (How would I create a Safari‑compatible Transition Transform Scale without breaking the container's border‑radius)
我有一張想在懸停時縮放的圖片。圖像的容器有一個邊界半徑。圖像在大多數瀏覽器上都可以很好地縮放,但在 Safari 上,容器的邊框半徑在應用過渡時會被刪除。我創建了一個 jsfiddle 來展示這種行為。
我嘗試在有和沒有 webkit 的情況下應用特定屬性 transform 和 border‑radius 的過渡時間,
.element {
transition: transform 1s, border‑radius 1s;
‑webkit‑transition: transform 1s, border‑radius 1s;
transition‑duration: 1s;
‑webkit‑transition‑duration: 1s;
方法 1:
Although this breaks using transform: scale
and ‑webkit‑transition: transform 1s, border‑radius 1s
or ‑webkit‑transition: all 1s
a potential workaround since this is using backround images is to change the background size on hover instead of scaling it up,
.element {
background‑size: auto 100%; # set width to auto works in this case b/c landscape pic
‑webkit‑transition: all 1s ease‑out;
transition: all 1s ease‑out;
.container:hover .element,
.container:focus .element {
background‑size: auto 110%;
Working demo, https://jsfiddle.net/khzu0t61/