LinkedIn API v2 獲取用戶信息 (LinkedIn API v2 get user info)


LinkedIn API v2 獲取用戶信息 (LinkedIn API v2 get user info)

我有此人的電子郵件地址,我想通過此電子郵件(使用他們的 API v2)在 LinkedIn 網絡中找到此人,並從 LinkedIn 個人資料中獲取此人的職位。可以這樣做嗎?

Linkedin 提供 為此類目標處理 Lookup API,但它似乎是私有的。有沒有其他方法可以實現這一目標,或者只有 LinkedIn 合作夥伴才有可能?如果是,我必須滿足哪些條件才能成為領英合作夥伴?


方法 1:

Answer from the LinkedIn support:

The permissions to access Handle Lookup API are no longer granted as we are not accepting partners for the program.

We currently don't offer any API's that would allow you to search by email address. Since your app would be collecting the member data, we do not offer the ability to search. If you do store member data, you need to be sure you're following the data storage requirements. In order to view a users email address, they would first need to authenticate the app using the authorization flow.

(by Sergey ZembaSergey Zemba)


  1. LinkedIn API v2 get user info (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#linkedin #linkedin-api


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LinkedIn API v2 獲取用戶信息 (LinkedIn API v2 get user info)
