如何在電子郵件中嵌入 Web 表單 (How to embed web form in email)


如何在電子郵件中嵌入 Web 表單 (How to embed web form in email)

我正在尋找需要在電子郵件中嵌入網絡表單的解決方案。我的要求是需要在電子郵件中提供一個 web 表單,以便用戶可以輸入所需的數據,如姓名、電話號碼、地址,還需要提供上傳文件組件。他可以通過上傳文件按鈕上傳所需的文件,如駕駛執照或租賃協議。



方法 1:

basically you can use html inside your emails but

  1. clients that are not able to display html tags will not display your form
  2. even if client will display you cannot be sure how it will look like
  3. even if client will display form correctly usually it will not allow you to send the form or will display a warning that user is sending something ‑ this can be very demotivating and give user bad feeling

basically ‑ don't use form in email ‑ use link to the site with a form

(by rajasekhar pippallapuffy.bun)


  1. How to embed web form in email (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#html-email #java #html #gmail


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