適用於 Windows 通用 APP 的 OneDrive Api (OneDrive Api for Windows Universal APP)


適用於 Windows 通用 APP 的 OneDrive Api (OneDrive Api for Windows Universal APP)

我正在嘗試運行示例一個驅動器應用程序,我有 MSDN 帳戶,但當我嘗試登錄時仍然顯示未授權。我是否需要任何付費帳戶才能訪問 Onedrive for Universal App?

示例位於 OneDrive 通用應用程序


方法 1:

You dont need paid account for sure. I am using Live SDK to consume Onedrive API.

方法 2:

Have you registered your app with OneDrive to get a client ID? https://dev.onedrive.com/app‑registration.htm

方法 3:

After enough google searches amd articles I found that If one wants to use OneDrive Api in Windowss Universal app , one need to have paid account on Windows Store for application. If you are satisfied with using REST api of Onedrive than you don't need registration.

Link for app in SDK and Rest Api Tested

(by unciathang2410199Roger Hartleyuncia)


  1. OneDrive Api for Windows Universal APP (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#onedrive #msdn #win-universal-app #C#


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