android webview 顯示其字體的默認字體系列是什麼? (What is the default font family taken by android webview to show its fonts?)


android webview 顯示其字體的默認字體系列是什麼? (What is the default font family taken by android webview to show its fonts?)

我在 Webview 上以 loadData 方法顯示我的內容


Here my WS.welcome_header_text =  <div style="text‑align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font‑size: x‑large; background‑color: transparent;">Please share your feedback with us</span></div>

我的後端 API 沒有指定字體系列,但 我想知道什麼字體系列我的 android web 視圖默認採用。

enter image description here



方法 1:

WebView has provided us with the methods to check the default fonts like ‑

  1. webview.getSettings().getStandardFontFamily()
  2. webview.getSettings().getFixedFontFamily()

and As WebView Safe fonts Suggested, My default fonts which are applying, I get it through StandardFontFamily(sans‑serif) font‑family in my case and Arial/Verdana fonts in particular.

方法 2:

Give your span tag an ID say my‑text and run the following code

String js = "(function(){var element = document.getElementById( 'my‑text' );return window.getComputedStyle( element, null ).getPropertyValue('font‑family');})()";

webView.evaluateJavascript(js, new ValueCallback<String>() {
    public void onReceiveValue(String s) {
        Log.d("FontFamily", s); 

(by B.shrutiB.shrutiSahil Manchanda)


  1. What is the default font family taken by android webview to show its fonts? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#android-webview #font-family #Android #default-value


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