php foreach 繼續 (php foreach continue)


php foreach 繼續 (php foreach continue)




    foreach ($this‑>routes as $route => $path) {
        $continue = 0;


        // Continue if route and segment count do not match.
        if (count($route_segments) != $count) {
            $continue = 12;

        // Continue if no segment match is found.
        for($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            if ($route_segments[$i] != $segments[$i] && ! preg_match('/^\x24[0‑9]+$/', $route_segments[$i])) {
                $continue = 34;

        echo $continue; die(); // Prints out 34

## 參考解法 #### 方法 1:

If you are trying to have your second continue apply to the foreach loop, you will have to change it from



continue 2;

This will instruct PHP to apply the continue statement to the second nested loop, which is the foreach loop. Otherwise, it will only apply to the for loop.

方法 2:

The second continue is in another loop. This one will only "restart" the inner loop. If you want to restart the outer loop, you need to give continue a hint how much loops it should go up

continue 2;

See Manual

方法 3:

You are calling continue in a for loop, so continue will be done for the for loop, not the foreach one. Use:

continue 2;

方法 4:

The continue within the for loop will skip within the for loop, not the foreach loop.

(by JasonScdhowieKingCrunchnetcoderBeemerGuy)


  1. php foreach continue (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#continue #foreach #PHP


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