如何使用 WSL 訪問 Odoo 12 (How to access Odoo 12 using WSL)


如何使用 WSL 訪問 Odoo 12 (How to access Odoo 12 using WSL)

我已在 Ubuntu 18.04LTS 中將 Odoo 12 安裝為 WSL,一切似乎都很好,服務正在運行。但是,我不知道如何訪問 Odoo 頁面。我在 Windows (Chrome) 中嘗試過 但它說:

無法訪問此站點 可能暫時關閉,或者它可能已永久移至新網址。ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID

我在同一端口 localhost:8069 上運行了另一個 odoo 安裝。我試圖通過訪問 來停止服務,但這也沒有用。



方法 1:

I found what the error was.

The problem was a conflict with the port number for Odoo Windows and Odoo Ubuntu WSL. I only changed the Port number for one of them (I choose the Local Windows version) and now I have both versions are running:

Odoo windows running via localhost:9999 Odoo Ubuntu WSL running via localhost:8069


方法 2:

  1. Check that your odoo server is actually running CORRECTLY (service odoo status, etc.)
  2. Ping your VM from the host. Don't try anything else unless you get a ping back.
  3. Try accesing http://localhost:8069 ( NOT https:// )
  4. Check that your odoo.conf is actually configured to point to port 8069
  5. Disable nginx a/o apache reverse proxies in the VM client.

  6. </ol>

    (by Elite SolutionsElite Solutionsalejandrob)


    1. How to access Odoo 12 using WSL (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#port #windows-subsystem-for-linux #odoo-12 #odoo


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