XCode UICollectionViewCell 在模擬器上看起來比在故事板中小得多 (XCode UICollectionViewCell appearing much smaller on simulator than in storyboard)


XCode UICollectionViewCell 在模擬器上看起來比在故事板中小得多 (XCode UICollectionViewCell appearing much smaller on simulator than in storyboard)

我正在創建一個使用 UICollectionView 的應用程序。我在 UICollectionViewCell 中有一個 UIImageView。在情節提要上, UICollectionViewCell 和圖像的大小是正確的,但是當我嘗試在模擬器上運行它時,模擬器上出現的圖像相對於視圖控制器要小得多。我嘗試更改單元格的大小,但圖像總是以相同的小得多的大小出現在模擬器上。我認為這可能是因為圖像可能太小,即使我將其設置為與單元格相同的尺寸,所以我使用了尺寸比當前圖像大 50 像素的圖像。但是當我在模擬器上運行它時,它仍然默認為更小的尺寸。對於此事,我非常感謝您的幫助。


方法 1:

  1. try placing your setupUI in

    viewDidAppear instead on viewDidLoad


  2. and what type of iPhone you run and what type of iPhone when you use storyboard? well, if you use iPhone 5s in your storyboard it'll sure look bigger than 10+ right?

  3. </ol>

    because iphone 5 has smaller resolution than 10

    1. You need to post your code, because i can't really assume what is your issue

    (by Rishik SathuaAdli R)


    1. XCode UICollectionViewCell appearing much smaller on simulator than in storyboard (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#uicollectionviewcell #iOS #XCode #swift #uicollectionview


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