如何在 NumericTextbox Kendo UI 滾動條中觸發自動保存 (How to trigger autosave in a NumericTextbox Kendo UI Scrollbars)


如何在 NumericTextbox Kendo UI 滾動條中觸發自動保存 (How to trigger autosave in a NumericTextbox Kendo UI Scrollbars)

我想知道如何在 Kendo 數字文本框中進行自動保存。

我創建了一個小演示,我可以使用普通輸入文本進行自動保存,(失去焦點或 2 秒時自動保存不輸入值),然後我添加了一個 Kendo UI 數字文本框,當我輸入一些值或失去焦點時也可以使用,但是當我更改滾動條中的值時,自動保存不起作用。



<輸入劍道數字文本框 ng‑model="item.value" style="width: 100%;" 需要/>



方法 1:

Kendo's NumericTextBox does not update the model on the Spin event (the event you are referring to, which fires when you press the up/down arrows).

I encountered the same, annoyed that ng‑model was only updated on Blur. My fix was to trigger the Change event on Spin >> Updated Plunker

    ng‑model="item.value"  />

The Kendo docs offer a slightly different approach.

(by jolyniceWhat‑About‑Bob)


  1. How to trigger autosave in a NumericTextbox Kendo UI Scrollbars (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#autosave #angularjs #numeric-textbox #scrollbars


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