向前和橫向球員運動 (Forward and Sideways Player movement)


向前和橫向球員運動 (Forward and Sideways Player movement)


void FixedUpdate(){
rb.velocity += Physics.gravity * 3f * rb.mass * Time.deltaTime; 

//to accelerate

rb.AddForce(0, 0, 32 * rb.mass);


if (Input.GetKey(ControlManager.CM.left))
          if (rb.velocity.x >= ‑15 ‑ (rb.mass * 8))
                 rb.AddForce(Vector3.left * sidewaysForce * (rb.mass * .5f), ForceMode.VelocityChange);
        if (Input.GetKey(ControlManager.CM.right))

            if (rb.velocity.x <= 15 + (rb.mass * 8))
                rb.AddForce(Vector3.right * sidewaysForce * (rb.mass * .5f), ForceMode.VelocityChange);



有沒有更好的方法來加速我們的雪球下坡或左右移動?我嘗試過 transform.Translate 和 transform.MovePosition,但它們會導致左右移動不連貫。


方法 1:

For one, most movement code should multiply the velocity by Time.deltaTime. In a hypothetical game, if you increased the velocity by a certain amount each frame, then somebody with a beefy 60 fps computer will go twice as fast as a poor 30 fps laptop gamer because they will accelerate less frequently. In order to fix this, we multiply acceleration by Time.deltaTime, which is the time since the last frame.

Instead of this code, where framerate would determine speed;

Vector3 example = new Vector3(1,1,1);
void Update()

We would use this code. If the framerate is half as much, Time.deltaTime will be twice as much, so the acceleration will be constant for everyone using it.

Vector3 example = new Vector3(1,1,1);
void Update()
   rb.AddForce(example * Time.deltaTime);

There may be another source of this problem, although getting rid of frame‑rate dependencies is a good place to start. It looks like you already have used Time.deltaTime for downward velocity, but not for sideways movement. Even if it doesn't fix the problem, using Time.deltaTime is essential for any consistent game.

(by getALoadOfThisGuyPoultryghast)


  1. Forward and Sideways Player movement (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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