獲取具有對像一鍵值的數組的平均值 - Javascript (Get the avarage value of array with objects one key value - Javascript)


獲取具有對像一鍵值的數組的平均值 ‑ Javascript (Get the avarage value of array with objects one key value ‑ Javascript)

我有一組有年齡的用戶,我想得到用戶的平均年齡。到目前為止,我嘗試使用 reduce 來實現它,但它不會實現它不是 reduce 的正確語法。


let sam = { name: "Sam", age: 21 };
let hannah = { name: "Hannah", age: 33 };
let alex = { name: "Alex", age: 24 };

let users = [ sam, hannah, alex ];

function getAverageAge(array){
  let sumAge = array.age.reduce(function(sum, current) {
    return sum + current;
  }, 0)

  return (sumAge / (array.length + 1));

console.log( getAverageAge(users) ); // 21 + 33 + 24 / 3 = 26

在這種情況下,它應該返回 26。


方法 1:

Arrays don't have a age property it is your object that has it:

let sam = { name: "Sam", age: 21 };
let hannah = { name: "Hannah", age: 33 };
let alex = { name: "Alex", age: 24 };

let users = [ sam, hannah, alex ];

function getAverageAge(array){
  const sumAge = array.reduce(function(sum, current) {
    return sum + current.age;
  }, 0)

  return (sumAge / array.length);

console.log( getAverageAge(users) );

(by Robert HovhannisyanFullstack Guy)


  1. Get the avarage value of array with objects one key value ‑ Javascript (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#reduce #javascript #object #arrays


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