當我在我的膩子程序中使用 vim 時,我遇到了一個自動完成問題 (When I using vim in my putty program, I have an autocomplete issue)


當我在我的膩子程序中使用 vim 時,我遇到了一個自動完成問題 (When I using vim in my putty program, I have an autocomplete issue)

我在 putty 程序中使用 vim,我想查看我的自動完成列表,但只看到灰色背景

在我的主機服務器(筆記本電腦)中,使用 vim 時,我可以看到我的自動完成列表




方法 1:

In a terminal, Vim draws its entire user interface via the available characters and highlighting. It looks like you have very few colors and highlighting attributes available, so the completion popup is drawn grey‑on‑grey, so you don't see anything. You can verify this via

:highlight Pmenu

which would then also just print a grey bar.

To fix this, follow the usual playbook:

  • How many colors are available: :set t_Co? tells you
  • Is that expected? If not (PuTTY should support 256 colors), what's the TERM value (something like xterm‑256color would be good).
  • Does the colorscheme (:colorscheme tells you the name) support your environment? Check the entire :hi output whether it all looks fine, maybe try out a few different schemes.

(by PARKIngo Karkat)


  1. When I using vim in my putty program, I have an autocomplete issue (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#putty #vim


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當我在我的膩子程序中使用 vim 時,我遇到了一個自動完成問題 (When I using vim in my putty program, I have an autocomplete issue)

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