無法使用 S3 圖像的 image.to_file 使用 Paperclip gem 複製圖像 (Can't copy images with Paperclip gem using image.to_file for S3 images)


無法使用 S3 圖像的 image.to_file 使用 Paperclip gem 複製圖像 (Can't copy images with Paperclip gem using image.to_file for S3 images)



def clone_article
 ba = BlogArticle.find(params[:id])
 new_ba = BlogArticle.new(ba.attributes)

 ba.blog_article_images.each do |blog_img|
   new_ba.blog_article_images.build(:image => blog_img.image.to_file, :embedded => blog_img.embedded?)

 new_ba.status = 'draft'
 new_ba.title = "Copy of #{ba.title}"

 if new_ba.save
     flash[:notice] = "Clone successful"
    if new_ba.errors.empty?
        flash[:notice] = "Unknown error occurred while cloning the post"
        error = 'Problem while cloning the post: <br>'
        new_ba.errors.each {|field, msg| error += field + " " + msg + "<br>"}
        flash[:error] = error
redirect_to admin_blog_articles_url


問題是這個腳本在引用服務器上的本地文件時可以完美運行。但是在 S3 上有圖像的生產環境中,我們無法從原始帖子圖像中復制任何圖像。我認為這可能是時間問題,例如控制器在完成過程之前沒有等待回形針完成將文件加載到應用程序目錄中,但我似乎無法進行任何工作。另外,我不是 Rails 專家,所以我有點迷路了。



方法 1:

I've run into the issue with filenames getting mangled by Tempfile as well, and ended up with this somewhat hackish solution:

ba.blog_article_images.each do |blog_img|
  new_img = blog_img.image.to_file
  new_img.instance_variable_set("@original_filename", blog_img.image.original_filename)
  def new_img.original_filename
  new_ba.blog_article_images.build(:image => new_img, :embedded => blog_img.embedded?)

it does work though. original_filename is a method that Paperclip adds to File, and we're just overriding it here.

I haven't tested this with a local storage, but from reading the Paperclip source, it should work.

方法 2:

I'm working on something similar. I've found that simply doing object_2.file = object_1.file, then saving object_2 works fine. Mostly. The S3 transfer works dandy but the filename is getting mangled for some unknown reason.

方法 3:

The file gets mangled because the file from object_1 is copied down from S3 and stored as a TempFile which makes it's own file name using the original file name at the start and extension at the end. I'm working on this same problem too and appreciate any thoughts on how to change the TempFile name before saving object_2.

(by JohnAlexTuberllamahkelsey)


  1. Can't copy images with Paperclip gem using image.to_file for S3 images (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#paperclip #ruby-on-rails #amazon-s3


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