google-play-services_lib.jar bị thiếu trong thư mục lib SDK google_play_services (google-play-services_lib.jar missing from SDK google_play_services lib folder)


google‑play‑services_lib.jar bị thiếu trong thư mục lib SDK google_play_services (google‑play‑services_lib.jar missing from SDK google_play_services lib folder)

I have a problem with google‑play‑services_lib.jar (I need it for Google Maps API v2 support) because it isn't added as library to my project. I imported the Google Play Services project and the google‑play‑services.jar appears on my project as a dependency, but google‑play‑services_lib.jar doesn't appear. I tried to delete and reinstall Google Play Services on SDK Manager.

In addition google‑play‑services_lib.jar is missing from D:\Android\android‑sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google‑play‑services_lib\libs. The only available files on that path are google‑play‑services.jar and google‑play‑

Could anybody help me on it? Thanks and regards.

Edit: This is the screenshot full‑size link (the image is very small in stackoverflow).

I attached a screenshot. 


方法 1:

I solved it (unbelievable) installing JRE 7 (I had JRE 6 installed) and with a rebuild of all the projects on workspace after the installation.

(by AlbertoAlberto)


  1. google‑play‑services_lib.jar missing from SDK google_play_services lib folder (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#google-play-services #maps #Android #sdk


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