一種 Drive / Office365 與 Google Apps Script 類似的腳本語言 (One Drive / Office365 similar scripting language as the Google Apps Script)


一種 Drive / Office365 與 Google Apps Script 類似的腳本語言 (One Drive / Office365 similar scripting language as the Google Apps Script)

我搜索了 One Drive 腳本語言,但只找到了這個(Live SDK API):https://msdn.microsoft.com/en‑us/library/windows/apps/hh826521.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=‑2147217396

這更像是一個 Google Drive API。Microsoft OneDrive 是否具有類似於 Google Apps Script 的基於 Web 的腳本功能?


方法 1:

About how to call the Live SDK APIs: the JavaScript API (Windows Store apps and web), the Managed API (Windows Runtime apps), the iOS API, and the Android API . You may want the JavaScript API , please click here for how to use the Live SDK JavaScript API in your web app.

(by Maksim LuzikNan Yu)


  1. One Drive / Office365 similar scripting language as the Google Apps Script (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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