IntelijIDEA (Goland) 使用 /private/var/folders/ (IntelijIDEA (Goland) uses /private/var/folders/)


IntelijIDEA (Goland) 使用 /private/var/folders/ (IntelijIDEA (Goland) uses /private/var/folders/)

My Goland 的跑步者(運行/調試配置)在 os.Args[0] 中使用 /private/var/folders/7b/50mzg8x17q55rxfg3b0kpj88xcm2lx/T。我知道 os.Args[0] 是我的程序的路徑,但我可以將 os.Args[0] 作為我在 Goland runner 中的工作目錄嗎?



方法 1:

I know that os.Args[0] is the path to my program, but can I do os.Args[0] to be my working directory in Goland runner?

No, you cannot make os.Args[0] to be the working directory, since as you correctly identified, it's used to locate your program on disk.

There are two changes you can make:

  • change your code to stop relying on os.Args[0] and start using os.Getwd() to get the working directory. Then you can edit your Run Configuration via Run | Edit Configurations... | <name of the run configuration> | Working Directory parameter.
  • if you really want you binary to be in a certain directory, then you can go to Run | Edit Configurations... | <name of the run configuration> | Output directory to have the IDE run the compiler and place the executable wherever you need to.

If you need to make these changes for all future Run Configurations, then edit Run | Edit Configurations... | Templates | Go Build, or Go Test and change either the Working Directory or the Output Directory fields. Existing Run Configurations will not be changed.

(by KUKUdlsniper)


  1. IntelijIDEA (Goland) uses /private/var/folders/ (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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