如何使用度量單位對類似項目進行分組和添加 (How to group and add similar items with a unit of measurement)


如何使用度量單位對類似項目進行分組和添加 (How to group and add similar items with a unit of measurement)

我有以下電子表格。我需要壓縮這個電子表格的內容。我想知道是否可以將類似的項目(如 1952)分組並在下一列中添加數字並輸出 5m / 2w 或類似的東西?1951 年將被壓縮到 9w。這些數據不斷變化,並且經常添加新的參考編號。

sheets file



方法 1:

Sheets doesn't do well adding numbers when they're right next to letters, so you'll need to split those cells into a number column and letter column using left() and right(). Put the number from left() inside the value() function as well so Sheets knows it's a number.

Example sheet

Once you have the helper columns made, you can use query() to consolidate and sum up your values. Query language can get tricky so I recommend the reference page. Once you have the sums and letters spit out, you can concatenate them in another column (J for me).

方法 2:

 B2:B&"♦", REGEXEXTRACT(C2:C, "\d+")*1, REGEXEXTRACT(C2:C, "\d+(.+)")}), 
 "select Col1,sum(Col2),Col3 
  where Col3 is not null 
  group by Col1,Col3 
  label sum(Col2)''", 0)),,999^99)), "♦")), 
 "select count(Col1) 
  group by Col1 
  pivot Col2", 0), "offset 1", 0)), SUBSTITUTE(
 B2:B&"♦", REGEXEXTRACT(C2:C, "\d+")*1, REGEXEXTRACT(C2:C, "\d+(.+)")}), 
 "select Col1,sum(Col2),Col3 
  where Col3 is not null 
  group by Col1,Col3 
  label sum(Col2)''", 0)),,999^99)), "♦")), 
 "select count(Col1) 
  group by Col1 
  pivot Col2", 0), "limit 0", 1), " ", ), )}),,999^99)), "♦")), " ", " / "))


spreadsheet demo

(by AHCBLuke Allpressplayer0)


  1. How to group and add similar items with a unit of measurement (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#google-sheets-query #google-sheets #RegEx #google-sheets-formula #array-formulas


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