Spring Data Mongo DB:回复消息長度5502322小於最大消息長度 (Spring Data Mongo DB: The reply message length 5502322 is less than the maximum message length)


Spring Data Mongo DB:回复消息長度5502322小於最大消息長度 (Spring Data Mongo DB: The reply message length 5502322 is less than the maximum message length)



@Query(value = "{'status': {$in: ?0} , 'date':{ $lte: ?1 }}")
List<Blog> findByStatusAndCurrentDateWithOrdering(List<String> status, Date date, Sort order);


findByStatusAndCurrentDateWithOrdering(status, new Date(), Sort.by(Direction.DESC, "date")


"status": 500,
    "error": "Internal Server Error",
    "message": "The reply message length 5502322 is less than the maximum message length 4194304; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoIn
ternalException: The reply message length 5502322 is less than the maximum message length 4194304",

The MongoDB 中的內容包括 Base64 Image 以及 ID、HTML。(並且只有 11 或 12 行)

客戶的 Azure Mongo DB 版本是 <3.2.0。而在本地它是 > 3.2



方法 1:

You need to change to this:

    {$match:{"status": {$in: status} , "date":{ $lte: date }}},


import static org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.Aggregation.*;

//Inside your `@Service` class, include:
private MongoTemplate mongotemplate;

MatchOperation filter = match(Criteria.where("status").in(status).and("date").lte(date));
SortOperation sort    = sort(Direction.DESC, "date")

Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(filter, sort)
AggregationResults<Blog> result = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, mongoTemplate.getCollection(Blog.class), Blog.class);
List<Blog> blogs = result.getMappedResults();

(by fatherazraelValijon)


  1. Spring Data Mongo DB: The reply message length 5502322 is less than the maximum message length (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#spring-data-mongodb #azure #mongoDB


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