LinkedIn 獲取個人資料提要或新聞提要 2015 (LinkedIn get profile feed or news feed 2015)


LinkedIn 獲取個人資料提要或新聞提要 2015 (LinkedIn get profile feed or news feed 2015)

我在 LinkedIn 中創建了應用程序,我正在嘗試獲取個人資料提要或新聞提要,但是當請求網絡更新時,我收到此消息 Access to network denied 並且我無法獲取 rw_nus 等範圍。請幫助我,我可以從 LinkedIn 獲取任何提要(個人資料提要或新聞提要)。



方法 1:

This is the May 15 changes. Please read up on that as rw_nus seems to require a special permission now for which you need to apply to become a API partner.

(by Ahmed Alqashqeshdinwal)


  1. LinkedIn get profile feed or news feed 2015 (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#linkedin #API #PHP #linkedin-api


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LinkedIn 獲取個人資料提要或新聞提要 2015 (LinkedIn get profile feed or news feed 2015)

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