使用 Java 可定制的井字遊戲板 (Customizable TicTacToe game board with Java)


使用 Java 可定制的井字遊戲板 (Customizable TicTacToe game board with Java)

我需要創建一個方法來檢查井字遊戲是 PLAYING、DRAW、XWIN 還是 OWIN。但是,我很難編寫代碼來檢查 X 或 O 是否獲勝,因為遊戲板的大小和獲勝所需的大小 (sizeWin) 會根據用戶的輸入而變化。而且我被迫為遊戲板使用一維數組。我根本不知道從這裡去哪裡。我最新的想法是使用嵌套的 for 循環來檢查行、列或對角線是否獲勝,但我不確定如何實現它。如果有人對如何解決此問題有任何提示或有任何其他解決方案,我將不勝感激

private void setGameState(int i) {

    // Check rows
    for (row = 0; row == lines; row++) {
        for (col = 0; col == columns; col++) {


public TicTacToeGame(int lines, int columns, int sizeWin) {

    // linesXcolumns game, starts with X, need sizeWin in a line/column/diag to win
    this.lines = lines;
    this.columns = columns;
    CellValue currentCellValue = CellValue.X;
    this.sizeWin = sizeWin;

    // Creating board according to given size
    int size = lines * columns;
    this.board = new CellValue[size];

    // Setting up board to be empty
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        board[i] = CellValue.EMPTY;

PS。如果有人調用運算符 TicTacToe(3,4,3),將打印 3 行 4 列的遊戲板。獲勝的 X 或 O 的數量將是 3。


方法 1:

It is a little more complicated than it looks but after you get it it's simple. I've made a function that works just fine:

private static String checkGameState() {
    // Looking for errors.
    if (rowCount <= 0 || columnCount <= 0) {
        return "ERROR: Illegal board size: " + rowCount + "*" + columnCount;
    if (boradContent.length != rowCount * columnCount) {
        return "ERROR: boradContent not compatible with rowSize and columnSize.";
    if (sizeWin > rowCount && sizeWin > columnCount) {
        return "ERROR: Board is too small for this sizeWin: " + sizeWin + ".";

    String gameState = "PLAYING";

    // Checking rows
    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
        char currentChar = getField(i, 0);
        int score = 1;
        for (int j = 1; j < columnCount; j++) {
            if (currentChar == getField(i, j)) {
                if (score >= sizeWin) {
                    if (gameState.equals("PLAYING")) {
                        gameState = currentChar + "WIN";
                    } else if (!gameState.equals(currentChar + "WIN")) {
                        gameState = "DRAW";
                        return gameState;
            } else {
                if (j > columnCount ‑ sizeWin) {
                score = 1;
                currentChar = getField(i, j);

    // Checking columns
    for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
        char currentChar = getField(0, j);
        int score = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < rowCount; i++) {
            if (currentChar == getField(i, j)) {
                if (score >= sizeWin) {
                    if (gameState.equals("PLAYING")) {
                        gameState = currentChar + "WIN";
                    } else if (!gameState.equals(currentChar + "WIN")) {
                        gameState = "DRAW";
                        return gameState;
            } else {
                if (j > rowCount ‑ sizeWin) {
                score = 1;
                currentChar = getField(i, j);

    // Checking diagonally
    // Checking diagonally ‑ from top‑left to bottom‑right
    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount ‑ sizeWin + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < columnCount ‑ sizeWin + 1; j++) {
            char currentChar = getField(i, j);
            int score = 1;
            for (int k = 1; k < sizeWin; k++) {
                if (currentChar == getField(i + k, j + k)) {
                    if (score >= sizeWin) {
                        if (gameState.equals("PLAYING")) {
                            gameState = currentChar + "WIN";
                        } else if (!gameState.equals(currentChar + "WIN")) {
                            gameState = "DRAW";
                            return gameState;
                } else {


    // Checking diagonally ‑ from top‑right to bottom‑left
    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount ‑ sizeWin + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = sizeWin ‑1; j < columnCount; j++) {
            char currentChar = getField(i, j);
            int score = 1;
            for (int k = 1; k < sizeWin; k++) {
                if (currentChar == getField(i + k, j ‑ k)) {
                    if (score >= sizeWin) {
                        if (gameState.equals("PLAYING")) {
                            gameState = currentChar + "WIN";
                        } else if (!gameState.equals(currentChar + "WIN")) {
                            gameState = "DRAW";
                            return gameState;
                } else {


    return gameState;

It is worth to mention that the rowCount, columnCount, sizeWin and boradContent variables are class level variables and i used a getField(int X, int Y) method that is not a very complicated thing but is more useful. It just converts the given field coordinates to the place in a 1D array and returns it's content:

private static char getField(int X, int Y) {
    return boradContent[X * columnCount + Y];

(by CamKristóf Göncző)


  1. Customizable TicTacToe game board with Java (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#java #tic-tac-toe #arrays


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