如何找出軟件掛起的原因?(qemu + zephyr + tfm 的問題) (How to find out the cause of hanging software? (problem with qemu + zephyr + tfm))


如何找出軟件掛起的原因?(qemu + zephyr + tfm 的問題) (How to find out the cause of hanging software? (problem with qemu + zephyr + tfm))

我正在 qemu 上執行一個 arm elf (zephyr os + tfm) 並讓它運行一些測試。不幸的是,它在某個點停止,沒有錯誤消息或警告。我也嘗試過使用 GDB,但在某個時候,它就停止了。對於同一版本,它總是在同一點停止(如果我添加一些調試打印,它會提前或稍後停止)。我認為有一些掛起的中斷根本沒有被捕獲......老實說不知道。



方法 1:

For future reference TF‑M has an option to enable an exception info dump print in case of faults. I would start enabling that by setting the following define in the cmake config step: ‑DTFM_EXCEPTION_INFO_DUMP=True

(by Antonio Ken Iannilload3angel1s)


  1. How to find out the cause of hanging software? (problem with qemu + zephyr + tfm) (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#interrupt #arm #gdb #reverse-engineering #debugging


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