在我的 Linux Mint 上安裝 NetBeans 後出現問題,它無法執行任何操作 (i have problem after installing NetBeans on my Linux Mint it can't do anything)


在我的 Linux Mint 上安裝 NetBeans 後出現問題,它無法執行任何操作 (i have problem after installing NetBeans on my Linux Mint it can't do anything)

我正在嘗試在我的 Linux Mint 19.1 上安裝 NetBeans 8.2 我無法啟動新項目或執行任何操作。





方法 1:

NetBeans 8.2 is working for me on Linux Mint. The most likely cause of your problem is that NetBeans 8.2 is configured to use an incompatible version of Java. To see which version of Java is being used, select Help > About:


If you are using NetBeans 8.2 then:

  • JDK 8 must be installed.
  • NetBeans 8.2 must be configured to use JDK 8, as shown in the screen shot above.

As long as both conditions are met it does not matter how many other versions of Java are installed on your machine. I assume you know how to install JDK 8 (if necessary). To configure NetBeans to use JDK 8:

  • Locate the file netbeans.conf within the etc directory of your NetBeans installation directory.
  • netbeans.conf is a text file containing name/value property pairs. Open it in any text editor.
  • Locate the line containing the text netbeans_jdkhome. If that line is commented out by the use of a leading # character, delete that character.
  • Set the value of the property netbeans_jdkhome to the path to your JDK 8 installation.
  • On my Linux Mint machine the entry looks like this netbeans_jdkhome="/home/johndoe/jdk1.8.0_151", although you will probably be using a more recent update version of JDK 8.
  • Save the changes to netbeans.conf and (re)start Netbeans. Everything should work now.

If you still have problems update your question with:

  • A screen shot of Help > About like the one shown above.
  • The content of the NetBeans log (View > IDE Log) that was written since the most recent restart of NetBeans.

(by Amr Gamalskomisa)


  1. i have problem after installing NetBeans on my Linux Mint it can't do anything (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#linux-mint #netbeans #linux


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