建造一堵提高速度統一的牆 (Make a wall that boost speed unity)


建造一堵提高速度統一的牆 (Make a wall that boost speed unity)




方法 1:

You would first need a vector parallel to the ground!

You can use Collider.ClosestPoint in order to find the closest point on the walls collider to the ball Position.

From this you then know a plane normal for your ground/wall so you can then use Vector3.ProjectOnPlane in order to convert the usual move direction into one parallel to the ground.

private void FixedUpdate () 
    var ballRb = ball.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
    var wallCollider = Wall.GetComponent<Collider>();
    var hitPoint = wallCollider.ClosestPoint(ballRb.position);

    // normal of ground (= vector from hitPoint to ball)
    var groundNormal = (ballRb.position ‑ hitPoint).normalized;

    // project the given velocity onto the ground
    var newVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(ballRb.velocity, groundNormal);

    // optionally increase the speed of needed e.g.
    //var newDirection = newVelocity.normalized;
    //var newMagnitude = newVelocity.magnitude * 1.1f; // or any multiplication or addition factor
    //newVelocity = newDirection * newMagnitude;

    // and finally reassign the new velocity
    ballRb.velocity = newVelocity; 

Note: Typed on smartphone but I hope the idea gets clear and this provides a good start point

(by Renan KlehmderHugo)


  1. Make a wall that boost speed unity (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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