監控GDI通話 (Monitoring GDI calls)

#gdi #monitoring #Windows


繪製鼠標光標 (Draw mouse cursor)

C 和 Windows GDI 中的雙緩衝 *framework* (Double-buffering *framework* in C and Windows GDI)

一個進程的 GDI 洩漏會影響其他進程嗎? (Can GDI leaks from one process affect other processes?)

BeginPath Textout EndPath 繪製反轉文本 (BeginPath Textout EndPath draws inverted text)

監控GDI通話 (Monitoring GDI calls)

如何捕獲(並希望修復)GDI 資源洩漏 (How to catch (and hopefully fix) a GDI resource leak)

如何使用 GDI(+) 在內存中渲染漸變 (How to render a gradient in memory using GDI(+))

使用 BITMAP::bmBits 與 GetDIBits 有什麼區別? (What is the difference between using BITMAP::bmBits vs GetDIBits?)

獲取背景窗口的縮略圖 (Get Thumbnail of background window)

AlphaBlend 返回“假”的原因可能是什麼 (What could be the reason for AlphaBlend to return 'false')

在 C++ 中查找像素 RGB 數據的最快方法是什麼? (What is the fastest method to lookup pixel RGB data in C++?)

逐行讀取文本框並將其視為單獨的文本 (Read a textbox line by line and treat it as a separate text)
