Android Studio 模擬器框架尺寸比屏幕尺寸大得多 (Android Studio emulator frame size is much bigger then the screen size)


Android Studio 模擬器框架尺寸比屏幕尺寸大得多 (Android Studio emulator frame size is much bigger then the screen size)

我嘗試在帶有 4K 顯示器(設置為 200% 縮放)的戴爾 XPS 15 上使用 Android Studio 模擬器。然而,有一個問題。模擬器屏幕的大小很好,但它周圍的框架是巨大的。下面是它的樣子:

enter image description here

我之前在這台機器上使用過Android Studio和它的模擬器,但那時更多一個月前,從那以後我重新安裝了一次 Windows。

我試圖改變模擬圖形設置,就像這個問題的第一個答案建議的那樣:Properties of 'emulator.exe' example

Click Apply and then OK. Restart IDE and all should work well! :)

方法 2:

I experienced the same problem with my Windows 10 computer. Here is a solution that works for me:

  1. Start Android Studio
  2. Switch your screen resolution to 1920 x 1080 at 100% scale by going to windows display settings enter image description here
  3. Once your screen resolution is at 1920 x 1080, start the android emulator
  4. While the emulator is running, switch your resolution back to 3840 x 2160 at 200% scale and the emulator should look right

You will have to do this every time you start the emulator. Once you have it running properly in 4k DO NOT close the emulator because you will have to repeat the above steps.

(by IntegerOverlordAviadMichael Cenzoprano)


  1. Android Studio emulator frame size is much bigger then the screen size (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#android-studio #android-emulator #scaling #Android


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