如何修復此井字遊戲的未捕獲參考錯誤 (How do I fix an uncaught reference error for this TicTacToe)


如何修復此井字遊戲的未捕獲參考錯誤 (How do I fix an uncaught reference error for this TicTacToe)

我正在做一個 HTML、CSS、JSS tictactoe 項目,我遇到了一個錯誤,當我嘗試使用時,控制台功能區/部分(右鍵單擊並轉到瀏覽器中的“檢查”時)顯示以下內容我的文本編輯器中的 console.log:

“未捕獲的 ReferenceError:topLeft 未定義” if (topLeft && topLeft === topMiddle && topLeft === topRight) {


             // HTML Elements
const statusDiv = document.querySelector('.status');
const resetDiv = document.querySelector('.reset');
const cellDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.game‑cell');
//NEW querySelecterAll <= will grab every occurrence put in ('') 
//Grabbing statusDiv to manipulate it (change when it'll x or o's turn)

            //Game Variables
let gameIsLive = true; 
//statement would be false if someone won/ game ended 
let xIsNext = true; 
//meaning if it's T = x's turn, if it's F = O's turn

           // Functions
const checkGameStatus = () => {
const topLeft = cellDivs[0].classList[2];
const topMiddle = cellDivs[1].classList[2];
const topRight = cellDivs[2].classList[2];
const middleLeft = cellDivs[3].classList[2];
const middleMiddle = cellDivs[4].classList[2];
const middleRight = cellDivs[5].classList[2];
const bottomLeft = cellDivs[6].classList[2];
const bottomMiddle = cellDivs[7].classList[2];
const bottomRight = cellDivs[8].classList[2];

           // Check Winner
if (topLeft && topLeft === topMiddle && topLeft === topRight) { 



  • GitHub



  • Youtube

這將是我目前的流程 在此處輸入鏈接描述





方法 1:

Your issue is with block scoping. You're declaring your variables inside this block:

const checkGameStatus = () => {
  const topLeft = cellDivs[0].classList[2];

But then you're trying to access the variables outside the block, where they don't exist.

Instead, initialize the variables outside the block, and then assign the values:

let topLeft;

const checkGameStatus = () => {
  topLeft = cellDivs[0].classList[2];


if (topLeft && topLeft === topMiddle && topLeft === topRight) { 

(by KO‑d14selfagency)


  1. How do I fix an uncaught reference error for this TicTacToe (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#javascript #tic-tac-toe #undefined #uncaught-reference-error #html


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