使用C#的Google Analytics(分析)訪問 (Google Analytics Access with C#)


使用 C# 訪問 Google Analytics(分析) (Google Analytics Access with C#)

我知道 Google Analytics 沒有官方 API,但有沒有辦法使用 C# 訪問 Google Analytics Reports?


方法 1:

Update: Google launched a Google Analytics API today. Google Analytics Blog ‑ API Launched

方法 2:

I wrote a small project that lets you generate pretty much any Analytics report. It's listed on Google's Analytics API page ‑ http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gdata/gdataArticlesCode.html

You can read about it here and get the source code ‑ http://www.reimers.dk/blogs/jacob_reimers_weblog/archive/2009/05/09/added‑google‑analytics‑reader‑for‑net.aspx

方法 3:

I emailed them asking this same question a while back and here's the response I got:


Thank you for your email. I apologize for the delay in replying to your email. Google Analytics does not currently provide an API to access the reporting data. However, we do offer export functionality for single reports in the following formats:

  • PDF
  • Tab separated value (TSV)
  • XML
  • Excel (CSV)

This feature allows you to easily import report data into your favorite spreadsheet application or to process the data otherwise.

Additionally, we're unable to provide support for custom implementations of Google Analytics. For this level of support, you can contact one of our highly qualified Google Analytics Authorized Consultants for assistance with advanced needs. These partners deliver a number of professional services such as installation support, training, and advanced filter and e‑commerce configurations.

For a complete list of our worldwide partners and a more detailed description of the services they offer, please go to http://www.google.com/analytics/support_partner_provided.html

For additional questions, please visit the Analytics Help Center at http://www.google.com/support/googleanalytics/?utm_id=tf. You can also find helpful tips and information by visiting the Google Analytics Help Forum at http://groups.google.com/group/analytics‑help?utm_id=tr.



Analytics Support

For the latest updates as well as some helpful tips on Google Analytics, check out the Google Analytics blog at http://analytics.blogspot.com

方法 4:

I have a completed library for called GoogleAnalytics.Net that allows you to fire page views/events/transactions from within .net code.

You can download the library from it's project home page:


方法 5:

This guy has had some success with at least some light Analytics integration. Now I realize this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but he does mention a book and perhaps you can get in touch with him.

(by Detlef D. DoerschelnMichael JohnsonJacob Reimersuser2189331Dougxanadont)


  1. Google Analytics Access with C# (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#google-analytics-api #google-analytics #C#


使用C#的Google Analytics(分析)訪問 (Google Analytics Access with C#)

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