需要幫助了解這種 Ngrx 效果 (Need help understanding this Ngrx effect)


需要幫助了解這種 Ngrx 效果 (Need help understanding this Ngrx effect)

Ngrx 文檔使用從商店狀態中選擇狀態的效果(沒有雙關語)

Note: For performance reasons, use a flattening operator like concatMap to prevent the
selector from firing until the correct action is dispatched.


    addBookToCollectionSuccess$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
      concatMap(action => of(action).pipe(
      tap(([action, bookCollection]) => console.log('whatever'))
      ), { dispatch: false }

示例自已更改為使用 concatLatestFrom,但這並不重要。我感興趣的是理解最初的建議。我想我理解了意圖,以避免在源操作觸發時讓 withLatestFrom 處理來自 getCollectionBookIds 的結果,但我不明白為什麼解決方案需要涉及包裝withLatestFrom 使用 of(action) 在手動構造的 Observable 中。不會


方法 1:

Your suggestions should work fine, if you just need the selected state:

concatMap(() => this.store.select(selectSelectedBookIds).pipe(first())),

However, should you also need the action itself, the following will pass along an array containing both the action and your selected state:

concatMap(action => of(action).pipe(

(by NeutrinoSteve Holgado)


  1. Need help understanding this Ngrx effect (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#ngrx-effects #ngrx #ngrx-store #rxjs


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