ASIHttpRequest 請求:didReceiveBytes:未按預期工作 (ASIHttpRequest request:didReceiveBytes: not working as expected)


ASIHttpRequest 請求:didReceiveBytes:未按預期工作 (ASIHttpRequest request:didReceiveBytes: not working as expected)

I'm sure there's a very easy explanation to this, but I'm tearing my hair out over the matter.

    ‑(void)addRequestWithUrl:(NSURL *)url savePath:(NSString *)path
      ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:url];
      request.userInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:path, @"savePath", nil];
      networkQueue.showAccurateProgress = YES;
      [self.networkQueue addOperation:request];
      [self.networkQueue setDownloadProgressDelegate:self];

    ‑(void)request:(ASIHTTPRequest *)request didReceiveBytes:(long long)bytes
       DLog(@"bytes: %llu", bytes);

didReceiveBytes is not ever called. If I set the download progress delegate to each request instead of the queue the didReceiveBytes method is called, but only after each request is completely finished, and always with a value of 1.

Any suggestions what's wrong here? (working on iOS btw)



方法 1:

It may help:

[request setDidReceiveDataSelector:@selector(request:didReceiveBytes:)]; 

方法 2:

Yeah it took me a while to figure this one out, I got the same result until I started to look into the ASIHTTPRequest code. All you have to do is add:

request.showAccurateProgress = YES;

before you networkQueue.showAccurateProgress = YES; because otherwise it does not read the individual head info of each file and add up the bytes.

(by cboemohsinjh1vpdata)


  1. ASIHttpRequest request:didReceiveBytes: not working as expected (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#asihttprequest #iOS


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