NSViews 上的 CGAffineTransforms (CGAffineTransforms on NSViews)


NSViews 上的 CGAffineTransforms (CGAffineTransforms on NSViews)

I am trying to port some iOS code to Mac OS X. I am having trouble porting this though,

CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRoatation(-b->GetAngle());    
oneView.transform = transform

How can I achieve this? The NSView doesn't have a transform property.


方法 1:

You still can use transformations.  

Make sure your view is layer-backed by setting setWantsLayer: on your view to YES.

Afterwards, you can just set the layer's affine transform:

CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-b->GetAngle());    
[[oneView layer] setAffineTransform: transform];

方法 2:

The only way i found to rotate NSView with core animation is 

[myView setFrameCenterRotation:angle]

but be carefull using this method. it works correct only if myView is added to a superview. you can track this by overriding method – viewWillMoveToSuperview:


(by foobar5512sudo rm -rfRemizorrr)


  1. CGAffineTransforms on NSViews (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

#objective-c #cgaffinetransform #quartz-2d #nsview #rotation


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