如何在創建新線程的同時停止運行線程並恢復同一個線程? (how to stop running thread and resume the same thread beside create new thread?)


如何在創建新線程的同時停止運行線程並恢復同一個線程? (how to stop running thread and resume the same thread beside create new thread?)

我使用 concurrent_queue.h 來讓隊列接收來自不同線程的元素 ‑


concurrency::concurrent_queue<Item> _queue;

void handleItem(Item item)
    // do something with item  

// method that call every time add something to the queue ‑ can be 
// situation that the queue contain more then one item 
void handleQueueItem()
    Item item;
    while (_queue.try_pop(item))
        std::thread t1(&handleItem, item);      

        t1.join();      // wait till finish before handle next item.        

我想以其他方式創建線程 t1,這樣我每次隊列中有東西時都不需要創建新線程



方法 1:

Instead of spinning up a thread in handleQueueItem, you can make handleQueueItem run in its own thread and it will run continuously. That would look like

void handleItem(Item item)
    // do something with item  

void handleQueueItem()
    Item item;
    while (_queue.try_pop(item))

std::thread runner([](){ handleQueueItem(); });

You can even add a flag to the loop so you can stop the thread by adding a std::atomic<bool> variable and checking it in the loop like

std::atomic<bool> run = true;
void handleQueueItem()
    Item item;
    while (run && _queue.try_pop(item))

std::thread runner([](){ handleQueueItem(); });

// later on
run = false;

And then all you need to do is run = false; to have the loop stop.

(by YanshofNathanOliver)


  1. how to stop running thread and resume the same thread beside create new thread? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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