aws documentdb 是否為兩種方式的 ssl 驗證 mongodb 客戶端證書? (Does aws documentdb validate mongodb client certificate for two way ssl?)


aws documentdb 是否為兩種方式的 ssl 驗證 mongodb 客戶端證書? (Does aws documentdb validate mongodb client certificate for two way ssl?)

我們如何創建客戶端證書以通過 aws 文檔數據庫進行驗證?在 aws 文檔中‑tls_enabled,它只提到了一種 ssl 方式,即客戶端身份驗證服務器證書。我沒有找到有關 aws 文檔 db 支持的兩種方式 ssl 的信息。有人可以幫忙嗎?


方法 1:

Amazon DocumentDB does not support using client certificates to connect to your cluster. Are you looking for client‑side certificates to be used by the server for authentication? Amazon DocumentDB only supports SCRAM based authentication.

(by prathyusha magammeet‑bhagdev)


  1. Does aws documentdb validate mongodb client certificate for two way ssl? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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