查詢數據時應該使用 MongoTemplate 還是 DBCollection (Should i use MongoTemplate or DBCollection when query data)


查詢數據時應該使用 MongoTemplate 還是 DBCollection (Should i use MongoTemplate or DBCollection when query data)

[Java Spring] 目前我正在使用MongoTemplate查詢數據

  1. MongoTemplate ‑‑> return List

    mongoTemplate.find(query , 實體)

  2. DbCollection ‑‑> return DbCursor




方法 1:

since your application is a spring application i would suggest to stick with mongotemplate as it is springframework provided class and can go along well with other spring features. whereas DBcollection is a class from mongo API for java and there might be some cases where you have to play around to get your stuff done.

(by Phong Nguyensatish chennupati)


  1. Should i use MongoTemplate or DBCollection when query data (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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