Android:為沒有 Google Play 服務的用戶登錄 Google? (Android: Google signin for a user without Google Play Services?)


Android:為沒有 Google Play 服務的用戶登錄 Google? (Android: Google signin for a user without Google Play Services?)

有沒有一種不需要 Google Play 服務即可實現 Google 登錄的方法?我知道官方文檔說您需要 GPS:‑in/android/start‑integrating


沒有 Google Play 服務的 Google Plus 登錄

這表示使用 Google+ Api 您可以在用戶沒有 GPS 的情況下實現登錄。哪個是真的?您是否可以在沒有 GPS 的情況下從技術上實現登錄?如果可以的話,它會很好地用作因任何原因無法下載 GPS 的用戶的後備。


方法 1:

You can use the Android Account Manager to get an access token (if the user has signed in with his/her Google Account on the phone):

If that is not what you want, you can always sign a user in using pure OAuth2 through a WebView. Here are some resources to get you started:

If you choose to use a webview you will have to handle access/refresh tokens manually, which might or might not be convenient for you.

Good Luck!

Edit: You mentioned G+ in your post, so here is some information on how to add G+ scopes to your request:

(Choose a scope that you need and include it in your request for access/refresh token)

(by JonErik Zivkovic)


  1. Android: Google signin for a user without Google Play Services? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#android-googleapiclient #google-play-services #Android #google-signin #google-plus-signin


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