從 WebAPI 在瀏覽器中播放 WAV 文件 (Play WAV file in Browser from WebAPI)


從 WebAPI 在瀏覽器中播放 WAV 文件 (Play WAV file in Browser from WebAPI)


所以,我試圖開始解決方案。將音頻文件 (WAV) 提供給 html 音頻標籤播放的最佳方式是什麼?

問題是,當我將其作為 url 發送時,我認為客戶端應該首先需要下載所有內容,然後開始播放。我在想一些在下載數據時會運行的東西,比如流。


我在想 Google Drive 附近的東西:

https://docs.google.com/uc ?export=download&id={GUIDFromFileFromGoogleDrive}<


方法 1:

The thing is that when i send it as an url, i believe that the client should need first download all the content, and then start to play.

No, this is incorrect.

I was thinking something which will run while the data are downloaded, something like a stream.

That's how it works.

<audio src="https://example.com/your‑stream.wav" controls />

(by BisnetoBrad)


  1. Play WAV file in Browser from WebAPI (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#audio-streaming #audio #C#


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