我可以在 Enterprise Integrator 6.6.0 WSO2 中添加外部 swagger api 文檔嗎? (Can I add an external swagger api document in Enterprise Integrator 6.6.0 WSO2?)
我找不到任何關於添加外部 swagger 文檔以在我的 EI 6.6.0 WSO2 中公開我的 API 的任何信息。那可能嗎?我該怎麼辦?
方法 1:
I found the solution, I have tried the solution that I found in the WSO2 EI 7.0.0 but in the 6.6.0 work fine too.
<api context="/prices" name="PricesAPI" publishSwagger="conf:prices/swagger/prices_v1_swagger.yaml" version="1.0.0" version‑type="context" xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">
I add this property into the api tag and I add the document path in my registry
I hope to help you
(by Aprendiendo Siempre、Aprendiendo Siempre)