谷歌分析:在我的網站上顯示數據時,我可以使用自定義維度名稱而不是索引嗎 (Google analytics : Can I use custom dimension name instead of index while showing data on Report On my Site)


谷歌分析:在我的網站上顯示數據時,我可以使用自定義維度名稱而不是索引嗎 (Google analytics : Can I use custom dimension name instead of index while showing data on Report On my Site)

我正在使用 Google Analytics API 來顯示數據。但是我的自定義維度數據會將標題顯示為


但我希望將表頭視為 SchoolName 或其他名稱,而不是自定義維度 3。{ 'serverAuth': { 'access_token': token } });

                var dataChart = new{
                    query: {
                        'ids': 'ga:111090746',
                        metrics: 'ga:totalEvents',
                        dimensions: dimension,
                        'start‑date': '30daysAgo',
                        'end‑date': 'yesterday',
                        'filters': 'ga:eventAction==' + filter,
                        'max‑results': maxSize,
                        output: 'dataTable',
                        'totalResults': 'integer',
                    chart: {
                        container: 'declare‑career‑container',
                        type: 'TABLE',
                        options: {
                            showRowNumber: true,
                            page: 'enable',
                            pageSize: '10',
                            sortColumn: 0,
                            sortAscending: false,
                            'width': 650,
                            'height': 400,
                            'headerRow': 'header',

                dataChart.on('success', function (response) {
                    var lbl = document.getElementById('totalCount');
                    lbl.textContent = response.response.totalResults;



方法 1:

You need to add the user defined column in your google analytics account

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. Select the Customization tab, at the top of any page in Analytics.
  3. Select Custom Reports in the left navigation.
  4. Your reports will be listed in the left navigation under Custom Reports.
  5. If no custom reports have been created, you will only see an entry for Overview under Custom Reports.


(by Sparsh Kumar SaxenaPauAI)


  1. Google analytics : Can I use custom dimension name instead of index while showing data on Report On my Site (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#google-analytics-api #javascript


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谷歌分析:在我的網站上顯示數據時,我可以使用自定義維度名稱而不是索引嗎 (Google analytics : Can I use custom dimension name instead of index while showing data on Report On my Site)

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