為什麼我不能用 chrome 調試 Service Worker? (Why I can't debug Service Workers with chrome?)


為什麼我不能用 chrome 調試 Service Worker? (Why I can't debug Service Workers with chrome?)

我幾乎發瘋了幾個星期,試圖檢查網頁是如何自我更新的。沒有網絡流量,沒有發現 Fiddler,沒有使用服務工作者,沒有攔截後台同步..

左側,您可以看到股票價格實時更新底部 沒有網絡流量被攔截,右側沒有任何後台服務



方法 1:

The issue was related to the antivirus:

As soon as I disabled the antivirus (Kaspersky) the traffic from chrome's Service Workers became visible again both with Fiddler

enter image description here

And Chrome

enter image description here

(by ReviousRevious)


  1. Why I can't debug Service Workers with chrome? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#google-chrome #network-traffic #service-worker #web-scraping #fiddler


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