協調 MVP 三元組 (Coordinating MVP triads)


協調 MVP 三元組 (Coordinating MVP triads)

假設您的應用程序(WinForms .NET 2.0 應用程序)中有多個 MVP 三元組,每個三元組負責一個責任區域。您首選的協調 MVP 三元組之間通信的方式是什麼?

選項 1 一個協調器對象,它“擁有”每個模型並通過訂閱每個模型中的必要事件來負責協調,然後決定什麼模型在什麼場景下調用方法。


選項2 一個Presenter“擁有”另一個Presenter,當模型中發生感興趣的事情時,Presenter使用另一個Presenter來推動交流。

擔心演示者不應該有一個公共界面(演示者優先方法),這打破了這一點。< /p>

我只是想知道其他人做了什麼來以可擴展的 OO 方式解決這個問題。如果我添加另一個 MVP 三元組會怎樣?將它融入我的協調器有多難?一定有一些很好的例子說明如何在一個 WinForms 應用中管理多個 MVP 三元組?


方法 1:

Not to be vague... but it depends. The two approaches I've used in the past:

  1. Use an Event Aggregator pattern, and have the individual presenters fire off events that other presenters can handle. e.g. PresenterA does: events.Raise<MyEvent> () and PresenterB implements: IHandler<MyEvent> and reacts accordingly in its public void Handle (MyEvent @event) method.
  2. Use a shared model that is injected into the presenters that need to be coordinated. For example, if one presenter handles selection of a given Foo, and the other presenter needs to update a details panel with Foo details, I might use an IFooSelection state model and inject that into both presenters that need to coordinate the concept of 'current selection'.

The interface:

public interface IFooSelection {
    public event EventHandler Changed;
    Foo Selected { get; set; }

(by Peter KellyPete)


  1. Coordinating MVP triads (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#ooad #winforms #mvp


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