貝寶購物車的運費之一 (One of delivery charge for paypal shopping cart)


貝寶購物車的運費之一 (One of delivery charge for paypal shopping cart)

有沒有一種方法可以使用貝寶購物車為多件商品設置一個運費。我有一個網站出售當地小型博物館的明信片,但我只能為每件不同的物品加收運費,或者根本不加收運費。交貨是65便士,所以如果有人買;6 x "a" 明信片有一張運費 65 便士。問題是當有人訂購時;1 x“a”明信片 1 x“b”明信片 1 x“c”明信片 1 x“d”明信片 1 x“e”明信片 1 x“f”明信片 運費為 3.90 英鎊,對於 6 張明信片來說太高了. 有沒有辦法將任意數量的變體的運費設置為 65 便士?感謝任何可以提供幫助的人。


方法 1:

Ok, Worked it out! I think I am just going to have to base the shipping on a total order value and not specify it at all in my coding... Heres what I did in case anyone else finds this with the same problem.

Login to Paypal account. Click on the "Profile" tab near the top of the page and under "Selling Preferences" click on the "Shipping Calculations" link and follow the steps to set up for instance £0.01 ‑ £9.99 delivery £1.15, £10.00‑£14.99 delivery £1.95 etc etc etc.

Thanks for your help everyone!!

方法 2:

I think PayPal has a value called "shipping_1" and "shipping_2", depending on the platforn you just need to override these values, we used something like this for our PHP form

<input type="hidden" name="shipping_1" value="<?php echo $order‑>delivery ‑ $order‑>discount_delivery ?>">

方法 3:

This link says you can do this by setting

Setting the Shipping Charge for the Entire Cart

Use the shipping variable without additional shipping2 variables to specify the shipping charge for the entire transaction. The value of shipping is used for the shipping charges, regardless of the merchant’s profile‑based shipping rates and rate basis.

Also see https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi‑bin/?&cmd=_render‑content&content_ID=brc/three_common_shipping_issues

(by DanDanCubed EyeJoseK)


  1. One of delivery charge for paypal shopping cart (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#shopping-cart #paypal


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