Unity Golf 遊戲物理和運動控制器 (Unity Golf game physics and movement controller)


Unity Golf 遊戲物理和運動控制器 (Unity Golf game physics and movement controller)

所以,我有一個問題。我是一個團結的初學者,我想創建一個高爾夫遊戲。我可以編寫 C# 代碼,並且我在 3D 建模方面具有基本水平。我的問題是我不知道統一編碼是如何工作的。我的想法是一個類似於 Golf It 的系統,如果你按下鼠標左鍵,你有一個球桿會出現,然後它會獲取鼠標的 y 軸並將球桿綁定到該軸。一旦你擊球,它就會利用球桿的速度並將球傳送到高爾夫球上。物理在高爾夫中並不是那麼好,因為不管你打得多重,你都不能讓球飛起來。因此,我想實現一些逼真的高爾夫物理。(我在讀高中,因此我可以計算物理計算)。




using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class controller : MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
      if (collision.gameObject.name == "golf_club")
            rb.velocity = new Vector3(Collision.impusle, 0, 0);


方法 1:

Welcome new user. Don't use Update. Unity has many functions for when "a collision happens".


You'll have to become really familiar with all those.

I suggest at first get familiar with using the physics engine, you'll be surprised how well it works for golf.

Later you can write your own physics (use a coroutine). You'll still likely use colliders only as triggers when you do that. You'll have to learn all about that too.

Be aware that it can take ~ 1,000 hours of work to become familiar with the basics of Unity.

(by lorinloewe4444Fattie)


  1. Unity Golf game physics and movement controller (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#game-physics #unity3d #C#


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