Visual Studio 2005項目選項 (Visual Studio 2005 Project options)


Visual Studio 2005 項目選項 (Visual Studio 2005 Project options)

我在 Visual Studio 2005(專業版)中有一個解決方案,它有 8 個項目。我面臨一個問題,即使我在相關項目的項目設置中設置了命令參數,它也不接受那些命令行參數,它顯示 argc = 1,儘管我給出了超過 1 個命令參數。嘗試使此解決方案的設置類似於工作解決方案,但沒有成功。任何指針?



方法 1:

Hmm.. Are you sure the specified project is set as the start project (right click > set as startup project) ??

Oh, and obviously you need to be in the correct configuration mode ^_^

(Notice it can be changed to debug | build | all configurations )

方法 2:

Are you sure you are setting the command arguments on the same configuration (Debug|Release) you are debugging? As far as I remember command arguments are per configuration.

(by goldenmeanRob CooperSergio Acosta)


  1. Visual Studio 2005 Project options (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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