訪問:具有 2 個單獨標準的庫存管理 (Access: Inventory Management with 2 seperate criteria)


訪問:具有 2 個單獨標準的庫存管理 (Access: Inventory Management with 2 seperate criteria)

我在訪問方面有點新手,我希望我不會問一個愚蠢的問題。我最近不得不將庫存系統從 excel 轉移到 access。每個產品都在 tbl.rct 中接收,並有一個訂單號、批號數量和有效期。

每個單獨的批號都需要在接收之前進行驗證,此信息在 tbl.lot 上。


在製作收據產品的表格時,我注意到我無法添加任何沒有批號的產品在 lot.tbl 上 ‑ 有沒有辦法解決這個問題?




方法 1:

I think you mix between Excel and the Access. These Table imported directly from the excel without any requirement change to meet Access Goals. The Database use to reduce the repeat routine work. The Tables that most be (Products, Order, Receipts, Lot must be Stock and collect data of (Qty, lot#, expiry, damage). Now we make sequence to how insert to Database. Open New Receipt to include in the stock the Product(link ID) and the detail. This is now in the warehouse. For selling you will make invoice when select product will show you the Lot available and its expiry and of course you select filter to filter on FIFP LIFO. You can send me the excel file to convert to database if yes please provide me more information because the flow not clear well

(by ricosheaOmar‑iq)


  1. Access: Inventory Management with 2 seperate criteria (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#system #ms-access-2007 #inventory #ms-access


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