更新 useContext 中的值時,組件不會重新呈現 (Component not re rendering when value from useContext is updated)


更新 useContext 中的值時,組件不會重新呈現 (Component not re rendering when value from useContext is updated)

我正在使用 React 的上下文 api 來存儲項目數組。有一個組件可以通過 useContext() 訪問這個數組並顯示數組的長度。還有另一個組件可以訪問該函數以通過 useContext 更新此數組。將項目添加到數組時,組件不會重新渲染以反映數組的新長度。當我導航到應用程序中的另一個頁面時,組件會重新呈現並反映數組的當前長度。每當上下文中的數組發生變化時,我都需要重新渲染組件。

我嘗試使用 Context.Consumer 而不是 useContext,但是當數組發生變化時它仍然不會重新渲染。


import React, { createContext, useState } from "react"

const OrderContext = createContext({
  addToOrder: () => {},
  products: [],

const OrderProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [products, setProducts] = useState([])

  const addToOrder = (idToAdd, quantityToAdd = 1) => {
    let newProducts = products
    newProducts[newProducts.length] = {
      id: idToAdd,
      quantity: quantityToAdd,

  return (

export default OrderContext
export { OrderProvider }

import React, { useContext } from "react"
import OrderContext from "../../../context/orderContext"

export default ({ price, productId }) => {
  const { addToOrder } = useContext(OrderContext)

  return (
    <button onClick={() => addToOrder(productId, 1)}>


import React, { useContext, useState, useEffect } from "react"
import OrderContext from "../../context/orderContext"

export default () => {
  const { products } = useContext(OrderContext)
  return <span>{products.length}</span>

import React from "react"
import { OrderProvider } from "./src/context/orderContext"
export const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (



方法 1:

The issue is likely that you're mutating the array (rather than setting a new array) so React sees the array as the same using shallow equality.

Changing your addOrder method to assign a new array should fix this issue:

const addToOrder = (idToAdd, quantityToAdd = 1) =>
      id: idToAdd,
      quantity: quantityToAdd

Edit context‑arrays

方法 2:

As @skovy said, there are more elegant solutions based on his answer if you want to change the original array.

setProducts(prevState => {
  prevState[0].id = newId
  return [...prevState]

方法 3:

<p>@skovy's description helped me understand why my component was not re‑rendering.</p>

In my case I had a provider that held a large dictionary and everytime I updated that dictionary no re‑renders would happen.


const [var, setVar] = useState({some large dictionary});

...mutate same dictionary
setVar(var) //this would not cause re‑render
setVar({...var}) // this caused a re‑render because it is a new object

I would be weary about doing this on large applications because the re‑renders will cause major performance issues. in my case it is a small two page applet so some wasteful re‑renders are ok for me.

(by Jordan PazskovymutoeCory Lewis)


  1. Component not re rendering when value from useContext is updated (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#react-context #gatsby #reactjs


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