禁用被視為錯誤的警告(cc1.exe) (Disable warnings being treated as errors(cc1.exe))


禁用被視為錯誤的警告(cc1.exe) (Disable warnings being treated as errors(cc1.exe))

我正在開發一個 brew 應用程序。在編譯應用程序以獲取 MOD 文件時,我不斷收到此錯誤


我想禁用此警告。我用谷歌搜索了它,很多人說禁用 ‑werror 會有所幫助,但我不知道該怎麼做。編譯器是 CodeSourcery ARM。


方法 1:

You need to remove ‑Werror from CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS etc.; these are usually set in Makefile's or build scripts.

However, I'd strongly advice to fix the actual warnings instead, which will produce more stable and error‑free code.

方法 2:

Run this Command in Terminal to say, not to consider warning as error

make CFLAGS="‑Wno‑error=format‑truncation"

(by Sarim SiddDaniel RoethlisbergerBe Champzz)


  1. Disable warnings being treated as errors(cc1.exe) (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#brew-framework #GCC #gcc-warning


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禁用被視為錯誤的警告(cc1.exe) (Disable warnings being treated as errors(cc1.exe))
