在 Mac 中打開 Electron 應用程序時出錯:“file:///Applications/../Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/index.html” (Error in Opening Electron App in Mac:"file:///Applications/../Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/index.html")


在 Mac 中打開 Electron 應用程序時出錯:“file:///Applications/../Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/index.html” (Error in Opening Electron App in Mac:"file:///Applications/../Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/index.html")

我已經為 mac 構建了電子應用程序,但是當我運行它時,它給出了以下錯誤

“不允許加載本地資源:file:///Applications/e‑admin.app /Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/index.html"。


1) electron‑builder build ‑‑mac 它創建了以下文件是 dist 文件夾。a) e‑admin‑0.0.0.dmg , e‑admin‑0.0.0‑mac.zip,index.html 和一個 mac 文件夾 b) 在 mac 文件夾中我可以看到 mac/e‑admin.app/Contents/Resources /app.asar 文件(不是文件夾)

2)我雙擊並安裝了 e‑admin‑0.0.0.dmg 並移至應用程序文件夾。3) 打開應用程序。

我必須對 app.asar 文件做任何事情嗎?(解壓縮或做一些事情?)或任何其他程序才能使其工作?



方法 1:

After muiltple trial and error, The following changes worked for me

1) index.html

`<base href="/">` 


<base href="./">

2) in main.ts, change the directory name dist to something else

from :

  pathname: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/index.html'),     
  protocol: 'file:',
  slashes: true


  pathname: path.join(__dirname, 'angular_build/index.html'),     
  protocol: 'file:',
  slashes: true

3) Angular.js

"outputPath": "dist/",


"outputPath": "angular_build/",

Although I have seen suggesions to change step 2 & 3 , I was quite skepitcal. Looks like dist directlory some how does not work and have to change to some thing like as mentioned above

(by Raghu VallikkatRaghu Vallikkat)


  1. Error in Opening Electron App in Mac:"file:///Applications/../Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/index.html" (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#electron-builder #electron #macos


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