TestDriven.NET沒有運行我的MbUnit的SetUp方法 (TestDriven.NET is not running my SetUp methods for MbUnit)


TestDriven.NET 沒有為 MbUnit 運行我的 SetUp 方法 (TestDriven.NET is not running my SetUp methods for MbUnit)

我創建了一些 MbUnit 測試裝置,它們的 SetUp 方法用 SetUp 屬性標記。這些方法使用 MbUnit GUI、控制台運行器和 ReSharper MbUnit 插件在測試之前運行良好。但是,當我使用 TestDriven.NET 運行測試時,它根本不運行 SetUp 方法。

有誰知道這是 TestDriven.NET 的錯誤還是我的設置有問題?


方法 1:

No longer an issue with recent versions of Gallio since v3.0.4. Just make sure to use the 64‑bit installer.

方法 2:

After having this problem for weeks on Vista 64, I found a post by Dave Bouwman just today, and it fixed this problem.

方法 3:

I had this exact same issue after installing NUnit using nuget ... previously I had been using an older version of NUnit and everything had worked fine.

I think TestDriven is not compatible with the latest version of NUnit.

I've switched to using NCrunch, which is free, and compiles/runs tests in the backgound as you are coding, amongst other things. Highly recommended.

方法 4:

I came across a similar issue with NUnit and TestDriven.NET that took me hours to figure out. I installed the Visual Studio Extension below and it hit breakpoint in the Tests but skipped the one in the one in the [TestFixtureSetUp].

enter image description here

It turned out that I also needed the actual TestDriven.NET software to be installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\TestDriven.NET 4

This is available from https://www.testdriven.net/download.aspx

(by Lance FisherJeff BrownLance Fishersoupy1976Mike)


  1. TestDriven.NET is not running my SetUp methods for MbUnit (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#mbunit #visual-studio #testdriven.net #tdd #.net


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TestDriven.NET沒有運行我的MbUnit的SetUp方法 (TestDriven.NET is not running my SetUp methods for MbUnit)

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